
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Get Your Pen and Paper ready..

Here it is, my wish list. Feel free to take notes, Christmas is coming up... : )

A Pink Flat Screen TV... I KNOW!

The Plam Treo (I'd settle for the Palm Centro too..)

Orange iPod!

The Green Dell Notebook.. so hot..

The Hot Pink Nikon Coolpix camera.. not just because Ashton Kutcher is all over the commericals..

The Price is Right game for my Nintendo DS! ONE DOLLAR BOB! I mean, DREW!

Honeymoon to Hawaii... Or any Island with a beach...

My very own penguin. I think I would name him Hector.

1 comment:

  1. pink tv? who knew. I am getting a red cd player to mount underneath my kitchen cabinets!! woo hoo. it's no pink tv tho. Nor is it a penguin named hector. Damn.


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