
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Stuff My Husband Says

I've been really keeping track of what I eat, counting calories, ya know, the same stuff everyone is doing in January. I was logging all my meals on one of those online meal trackers (there's so many out there these days..)..
Me: Baby, that Ding Dong I just ate was 26% of my daily calories today. Dang!

Him: Yah, maybe you should just stick with mine. Half the calories!

Who knew a diet could be so easy.


  1. Oh LOL! XD

    There actually is a diet called "Reach for Your Mate Instead of a Plate".

  2. LMAO!!! I think I read once that there's a good amount of protein there too! ;-)
    I added your button to my blogroll. Come by to check it out!


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